Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dog Training - Good Dog Bad Dog

Sadie ran circles around Ada while her hapless owner chased after her shouting. Alice and Ada continued to walk on, unbothered. There’s no question which dog owner has an easier life and enjoys her dog more.

A puppy offers immeasurable love and laughter, with the promise of years of devoted companionship ahead. But to make the most of this relationship, you will need to commit to the training necessary for your new friend to fit smoothly into your lifestyle and family. It will be a learning process for both of you.

The ability of you and your dog to communicate and understand each other is the foundation of dog training. It’s not simply a matter of teaching your dog a few commands. You must learn to understand your dog and how to most effectively communicate with her. A professional dog trainer can guide and advise you, but you are the one who must roll up your sleeves and take responsibility for training your dog.

Dog training involves no magic tricks, just time, patience and consistency so your dog’s natural desire to please you and her talent for reading body language and tone of voice can be developed. If you send your dog mixed signals, she won’t know what is expected of her, or what to expect from you. If you feed scraps from the table one night, she will of course come begging when you have company over for dinner.

The owner chasing her dog around in the first paragraph is making a few classic mistakes. She’s obviously rattled and her dog doesn’t know if she’s playing or angry. Remaining calm and confident with your dog will help her understand and learn what is expected of her.

But keep in mind that puppies and young dogs are naturally adventurous and curious. They are excited to discover the world around them. Like with children, this is a part of their growing up. They want to smell and taste everything they see or smell.

Many owners complain that while their dog obeys perfectly in class, once home her behavior deteriorates throughout the week until the next class. There are few probably causes for this common problem.

* Classes are designed to have minimal distraction, so dogs are more focused in that environment.
* You can’t compete with the more interesting things around in a busy household or park.
* Your dog sees you following the lead of the trainer and concludes that the trainer is the pack leader, so why obey you?
* If you aren’t doing your homework with your dog between classes, it’s only natural for you dog to forget the lessons.

Online dog training is an excellent way to solve this problem. No, it doesn’t involve Fido logging on! Online dog training is gaining popularity in today’s high tech, busy world for some very good reasons.

Advantages of Online Dog Training.

* Crazy work schedules can make it difficult to attend a training class every week, especially for families with children busy with after-school sports and clubs. But online dog training is available 24/7 – whenever it fits it into your schedule. While you need to practice with your dog regularly, you aren’t locked into a strict class schedule.

* Maybe Fido has difficulty with one lesson in particular. With online training, you can take it at your own pace instead of worrying about what you are missing if the rest of the class races ahead.

* Because dogs are so attuned to body language and vocal tones, you must be too. And online dog training means you can see and hear the instructor demonstrate specific techniques.

* Because Fido can’t log on herself, she won’t see the trainer and she won’t be confused about your role.

* Busy families often struggle with consistency in dog training. Generally only person takes the dog to class every week and the others may or may not really follow what is being learned. With online dog training, everyone can log on whenever it suits and follow the same lessons, which means more consistency and less confusion.

Every single member of the household must be on the same page with dog training to avoid confusing the dog. If one person is giving the dog a set of rules and everyone else is ignoring this, it’s a recipe for doggy disaster.

Owning a dog is a big responsibility. Commitment and consistency when your dog is a pup will be rewarded with years of love, fun and companionship. No one wants to be walking the dog everyone hates to see coming. While dog training is a responsibility, it shouldn’t be seen as a chore. It’s should develop your relationship with your dog and foster better communication between you. And the payoff is a dog you will be proud to take anywhere.

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