Not all dogs are created equal - some are born to lead while some gladly follows the commands of the pack leader. Consequently, not all dogs respond to training in the same manner - some gladly do their tasks and exercises without giving you, the owner, a hard time while others will test your temperament to its limits.
Hard-to-train dogs are by no means the lesser beings as compared to their more subservient counterparts. On the contrary, these dogs often possess several positive traits that interfere with your dog training sessions. Two of the qualities that get in the way of dog training the most are the animal's independence and dominance. Let's see how these qualities might jeopardize your dog training efforts.
Independence is by far the most commonly demonstrated trait by hard-to-train dogs. An independent dog can be viewed as a renegade who never needs to please anybody. While independent dogs unquestionably love their owners, their drive to please them is not as strong as those of other more compliant dogs. This trait often gives the owner or the trainer a more difficult time during their dog training sessions.
How could you tell that your dog is independent? Here are some telltale signs: .Independent dogs may exhibit a marked indifference to other people or animals. .They may not like being petted and disdainfully resents grooming. .They may prefer being alone. .They turn away when reprimanded.
However, independent dogs are not at all impossible to train. You just need to know what works with them and what doesn't so that you may get the best out of your dog training efforts. A word of caution - it is a big mistake to apply force in correcting the habits of your hard-to-train dog. Physical corrections such as hitting and yanking will only lead to passive resistance on your dog's part and make your dog training sessions close to impossible. Once your dog takes on this stance, it would be very difficult to make him or her obey your commands.
So, what is the best thing to do in training your independent dog? Utilize the "cookie power"! In other words, find out what rewards elicit a positive response and take advantage of it. With an adequate reward, your dog will surely let you have it your way!
A dominant dog is one who explicitly shows you that he or she cannot be bossed around. While an independent dog will simply ignore your commands, a dominant dog will show you his or her discontent in being ordered around.
Dominant dogs are natural leaders. With these dogs, you need to prove yourself first before he or she recognizes your authority or else, your role will go further down the pack pecking order. Some signs of dominance may include the following: .Displays defensive behavior when guarding territory, foods or toys .Shows readiness to launch into a fight .Growls or snaps when they are not allowed to do what they want
Dominant dogs are trainable. Despite their fearsome and irritable nature, you can make them obey your commands during your dog training sessions and beyond. All you need to do is establish your role as the one who holds the alpha position. You need to establish your authority through reasonable actions and you will see that everything else will follow. Once the leadership issue is clearly established, your dog training sessions will go on smoothly without any troubles!
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