Puppy Mills - Helping to raise Awareness
Dog Breeding requires excellent breed knowledge and outstanding responsibility by reputable breeders.Unfortunetly dog breeding is often exploited as a profit making business with the sad consequence of cruelly treat bitches and puppies who are kept in inhumane conditions. The bitches are expected to breed many litters, once they are no good for breeding they are cruelly destroyed.
The litters that are produced are very very unhealthy and will not have a long life at all. These unhealthy puppies are often taken away from there mother far before they should be which means they are denied the vital socialisation they require from their mother and litter mates. Remember when buying a puppy, puppies should still be with their mother and litter mates until at least 8 weeks old.
Backyard Breeders and Puppy Mills/Farms - The Difference
Who are these ignorant, selfish, greedy animal abusers? They are known as backyard breeders and puppy millers/farmers, what is the difference?
Backyard Breeders are people who practice random or ignorant dog breeding on a small scale.
Puppy mills or Puppy Farms are large dog breeding operations, and the people who own them are known as puppy millers/farmers.
Backyard breeders and Puppy Millers are only motivated by the idea of profit, not realizing that the hobby of animal breeding practiced on a small scale is not usually profitable when one factors in costs such as health, maintenance and pregnancy care. They are people who are ignorant of selective breeding goals and techniques, and are not familiar with the breed standard of their chosen breed of dog. They are cruel and abuse animals.
What to look out for:
Backyard Breeders and Puppy Millers want your money, so, they will tell you what you want to hear. The will tell you that the puppy is registered, this is a lie. They will tell you they have a certificate to prove that the puppy is registered but the certificate will not be signed or have the breeders name on it.
Be wary of outlets offering more than one or two breeds
When visiting the seller note the surroundings
Visit the puppy more than once
Ask to see the pedigree papers and ensure the breeder's name is on the certificate
The breeder should want to know about you too
Ask to see the puppy with its Mother - be very suspicious if you can't
Think carefully before buying and do not buy the puppy because you feel sorry for it. If you trade with an unscrupulous breeder, you will be supporting their trade in misery. Every one you buy, another takes it place.
Dont buy from a Pet Shop
Purchasing dogs, especially those claimed to be purebred, from a pet store is strongly discouraged by reputable breeders and animal shelters. While many pet stores claim to purchase dogs from "local breeders" instead of puppy mills, this is often untrue or is a difference in name only, as reputable breeders generally do not sell animals to pet stores. The phrase "local breeder" may also refer to backyard breeders
Reputable Breeders
Reputable breeders raise their animals in humane conditions, provide good socialization and often formal training, and adhere to the breed standard. They are knowledgeable about major health problems associated with their breed, and with the principles of genetics, frequently undertaking specific matings to produce or refine particular desirable characteristics in their dogs. They are also sensitive to the requirements of their breeding adults — who may also be breed or performance champions — and the puppies they produce. Reputable breeders frequently screen potential customers rigorously, and usually provide a pedigree and health guarantee with their puppies. Always get proof of Kennel Club registration.
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